2024 Agenda


Heads Of State


African & Global Ministers




Bankable African Green Energy Projects


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Global African Hydrogen Awards

  • 03 September 2024 PRE- SUMMIT MASTERCLASS
  • 04 September 2024 SUMMIT DAY 1
  • 05 September 2024 SUMMIT DAY 2

01:00 PM 01:30 PM

Registration & Welcome Coffee


Tuesday 03 September 2024

01:00 PM - 01:30 PM

Registration & Welcome Coffee

01:30 PM 05:00 PM

Masterclass A

A Primer On Green Hydrogen And Power To X Led by: GIZ & H2 Business Alliance

Masterclass Topics:

A Primer On Green Hydrogen And Power-to-X

  • Why does a low-carbon future matter?
  • What are the sources and uses of hydrogen?
  • How do we make green hydrogen and power-to-X?
  • Which are tomorrow’s low-carbon fuels for industrial, commercial and domestic applications?

The Economics Of Green Hydrogen And Power-to-X (this would mainly focus on the costs of GH2 and PtX)

  • What is the levelised cost of hydrogen, and how is it calculated?
  • What are the cost reduction potentials of green hydrogen and PtX?
  • What are the cost developments for green hydrogen and PtX until 2050?
  • How will hydrogen and PtX markets evolve in the next decades?

Issues, Opportunities And Challenges For Green Hydrogen And Power-to-X Developments In Southern Africa

  • Does southern Africa have what it needs to become a hydrogen producer?
  • Which low-hanging fruit can pave the way towards a clean energy future?
  • How are discoveries of fossil fuel resources likely to impact hydrogen and PtX developments?
  • How can water, energy and food security benefit from green developments in southern Africa?

Dr. Detlof von Oertzen

Chief Executive Officer

VO Consulting (Masterclass A)


Tuesday 03 September 2024

01:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Masterclass A

A Primer On Green Hydrogen And Power To X Led by: GIZ & H2 Business Alliance

Masterclass Topics:

A Primer On Green Hydrogen And Power-to-X

  • Why does a low-carbon future matter?
  • What are the sources and uses of hydrogen?
  • How do we make green hydrogen and power-to-X?
  • Which are tomorrow’s low-carbon fuels for industrial, commercial and domestic applications?

The Economics Of Green Hydrogen And Power-to-X (this would mainly focus on the costs of GH2 and PtX)

  • What is the levelised cost of hydrogen, and how is it calculated?
  • What are the cost reduction potentials of green hydrogen and PtX?
  • What are the cost developments for green hydrogen and PtX until 2050?
  • How will hydrogen and PtX markets evolve in the next decades?

Issues, Opportunities And Challenges For Green Hydrogen And Power-to-X Developments In Southern Africa

  • Does southern Africa have what it needs to become a hydrogen producer?
  • Which low-hanging fruit can pave the way towards a clean energy future?
  • How are discoveries of fossil fuel resources likely to impact hydrogen and PtX developments?
  • How can water, energy and food security benefit from green developments in southern Africa?


Dr. Detlof von Oertzen

Chief Executive Officer, VO Consulting (Masterclass A)

01:30 PM 05:00 PM

Masterclass B

H2Global: Creating A Global Market For Clean Hydrogen Led By H2Global Shiftung

Masterclass Topics:

  • Understanding H2Global: Mechanism, Pilot Auction Results And Upcoming Tenders

  • H2Global Meets Africa:
    • Highlighting potential using an innovative country clustering analysis
    • Leveraging the H2Global approach to build and expand regional demand for clean hydrogen and its derivatives

Dr. Susana Moreira

Executive Director and Co-Chair

H2Global Foundation

Hanna Graul

Research Associate

H2 Global Foundation


Tuesday 03 September 2024

01:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Masterclass B

H2Global: Creating A Global Market For Clean Hydrogen Led By H2Global Shiftung

Masterclass Topics:

  • Understanding H2Global: Mechanism, Pilot Auction Results And Upcoming Tenders

  • H2Global Meets Africa:
    • Highlighting potential using an innovative country clustering analysis
    • Leveraging the H2Global approach to build and expand regional demand for clean hydrogen and its derivatives


Dr. Susana Moreira

Executive Director and Co-Chair, H2Global Foundation

Hanna Graul

Research Associate, H2 Global Foundation

05:00 PM 06:00 PM

End Of Masterclass

Namibian Cultural Welcome: Women in Green Hydrogen

Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) Africa Chapter Launch & Pre-Sumit Welcome Reception
Co-Hosted by Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) & GAH2S


Tuesday 03 September 2024

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

End Of Masterclass

Namibian Cultural Welcome: Women in Green Hydrogen

Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) Africa Chapter Launch & Pre-Sumit Welcome Reception
Co-Hosted by Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) & GAH2S

08:00 AM 09:00 AM

Registration & Welcome Coffee


Wednesday 04 September 2024

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Registration & Welcome Coffee

09:00 AM 09:20 AM

Official Opening Of Summit

African Green Industrialisation - Fireside Chat

  • Does Africa truly have a leapfrog opportunity driven by technology and climate concerns?

  • Is industrialisation out of Africa’s grasp because it is stuck in a vicious web of stagnation fuelled by globalisation?

  • Is there a pan-African strategy that can trigger exponential growth?


Junaid Belo-Osagie

Executive Director

Mizuho and Chairman of the Africa Hydrogen Partnership Financial Advisory Group


Her Excellency Monica Geingos

Former First Lady of Namibia & Executive Chairperson

One Economy Foundation

Hakeem Belo-Osagie

African Entrepreneur, Scholar, and Philanthropist

Republic of Nigeria


Wednesday 04 September 2024

09:00 AM - 09:20 AM

Official Opening Of Summit

African Green Industrialisation - Fireside Chat

  • Does Africa truly have a leapfrog opportunity driven by technology and climate concerns?

  • Is industrialisation out of Africa’s grasp because it is stuck in a vicious web of stagnation fuelled by globalisation?

  • Is there a pan-African strategy that can trigger exponential growth?


Junaid Belo-Osagie

Executive Director, Mizuho and Chairman of the Africa Hydrogen Partnership Financial Advisory Group


Her Excellency Monica Geingos

Former First Lady of Namibia & Executive Chairperson, One Economy Foundation

Hakeem Belo-Osagie

African Entrepreneur, Scholar, and Philanthropist, Republic of Nigeria

09:20 AM 10:00 AM

Session 1

Global Hydrogen Panel: Delving Africa's Energy Transition Through The Development Of The Global Energy Map (Panel Discussion)


Dr. Hauke Engel


McKinsey & Company


Hon. Tom Alweendo

Minister of Mines and Energy

Republic of Namibia

Hon. Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy

European Commission

Hon. Michael Kellner

Parliamentary State Secretary

Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany


Wednesday 04 September 2024

09:20 AM - 10:00 AM

Session 1

Global Hydrogen Panel: Delving Africa's Energy Transition Through The Development Of The Global Energy Map (Panel Discussion)


Dr. Hauke Engel

Partner, McKinsey & Company


Hon. Tom Alweendo

Minister of Mines and Energy, Republic of Namibia

Hon. Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy, European Commission

Hon. Michael Kellner

Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany

10:00 AM 10:10 AM

Presidential Welcome Keynote Address

Her Excellency Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah

Vice President

Republic of Namibia


Wednesday 04 September 2024

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

Presidential Welcome Keynote Address

Her Excellency Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah

Vice President, Republic of Namibia

10:10 AM 10:20 AM

Family Photo

Global African Hydrogen Awards (Part I)

His Excellency Hage Geingob Award: Namibian Hydrogen Project Of The Year


Wednesday 04 September 2024

10:10 AM - 10:20 AM

Family Photo

Global African Hydrogen Awards (Part I)

His Excellency Hage Geingob Award: Namibian Hydrogen Project Of The Year

10:20 AM 10:50 AM

Guest Of Honour Official Exhibition Opening & Tour & Networking Coffee Break


Wednesday 04 September 2024

10:20 AM - 10:50 AM

Guest Of Honour Official Exhibition Opening & Tour & Networking Coffee Break

10:50 AM 11:45 AM

Session 2

Global Hydrogen And Green Energy Economy Enabling Partnerships And Collaboration (Panel Discussion)

  • Partnership creation for the development of the global hydrogen market, i.e. government and private sector, g2g, g2b and b2b partnerships, financiers, business, country partnerships, private sector, academia and communities

  • Scalability: scaling up African hydrogen projects to meet continental and global production ambitions

  • Harmonising global hydrogen standards by developing sound regulations, policies and frameworks

  • Bringing together African producers and global offtakers

  • Tearing down trade barriers for hydrogen intra-regional and global trade

  • Ramping up implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

  • Working towards worldwide certification, integration and harmonisation of the hydrogen sector


Hon. Jochen Flasbarth

State Secretary

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Hon. Obeth Kandjoze

Chairman, Green Hydrogen Council & Director General

National Planning Commission, Namibia

Edward Kalajzic

President Africa


Karsten Nielsen

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

GreenGo Energy A/S

Stefano Signore

Head of Unit Climate Change and Sustainable Energy; Nuclear Safety, Directorate-General for International Partnerships

European Commission


Wednesday 04 September 2024

10:50 AM - 11:45 AM

Session 2

Global Hydrogen And Green Energy Economy Enabling Partnerships And Collaboration (Panel Discussion)

  • Partnership creation for the development of the global hydrogen market, i.e. government and private sector, g2g, g2b and b2b partnerships, financiers, business, country partnerships, private sector, academia and communities

  • Scalability: scaling up African hydrogen projects to meet continental and global production ambitions

  • Harmonising global hydrogen standards by developing sound regulations, policies and frameworks

  • Bringing together African producers and global offtakers

  • Tearing down trade barriers for hydrogen intra-regional and global trade

  • Ramping up implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

  • Working towards worldwide certification, integration and harmonisation of the hydrogen sector


Hon. Jochen Flasbarth

State Secretary , Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Hon. Obeth Kandjoze

Chairman, Green Hydrogen Council & Director General, National Planning Commission, Namibia

Edward Kalajzic

President Africa, Fortescue

Karsten Nielsen

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, GreenGo Energy A/S

Stefano Signore

Head of Unit Climate Change and Sustainable Energy; Nuclear Safety, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission

11:45 AM 12:30 PM

Session 3

Hydrogen And Clean Energy Offtakers Panel: New Business Models Stimulating Green Energy Supply, Demand Generation (Panel Discussion)

  • Accelerating hydrogen’s global market, supply and demand

  • Major African hydrogen projects outlook: the role and context in the global energy map

  • Government and private sector working together to ensure projects are competitive and cost effective

  • Market mechanisms supporting a fully integrated hydrogen supply chain

  • New projects supplying hydrogen globally whilst generation demand

  • Green hydrogen and renewables developments: Solar, Hydro, Wind, Geothermal

  • New hydrogen business models for the African continent

  • Hydrogen operational models: building frameworks in the hydrogen sphere

  • Increasing global energy demand matching hydrogen production ambitions

Ministerial Keynote Address:

Hon. Tinne Van der Straeten

Minister of Energy

Kingdom of Belgium


Jonas Moberg

Chief Executive Officer

Green Hydrogen Organisation


Sabine Dall’Omo


Siemens Sub-Saharan Africa, Siemens (Pty) Ltd

Dr. Hauke Engel


McKinsey & Company

Dr. Susana Moreira

Executive Director and Co-Chair

H2Global Foundation

Johan Byskov Svendsen

Head of Program - Catalyze Ecosystem Transition

Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping


Wednesday 04 September 2024

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Session 3

Hydrogen And Clean Energy Offtakers Panel: New Business Models Stimulating Green Energy Supply, Demand Generation (Panel Discussion)

  • Accelerating hydrogen’s global market, supply and demand

  • Major African hydrogen projects outlook: the role and context in the global energy map

  • Government and private sector working together to ensure projects are competitive and cost effective

  • Market mechanisms supporting a fully integrated hydrogen supply chain

  • New projects supplying hydrogen globally whilst generation demand

  • Green hydrogen and renewables developments: Solar, Hydro, Wind, Geothermal

  • New hydrogen business models for the African continent

  • Hydrogen operational models: building frameworks in the hydrogen sphere

  • Increasing global energy demand matching hydrogen production ambitions

Ministerial Keynote Address:

Hon. Tinne Van der Straeten

Minister of Energy, Kingdom of Belgium


Jonas Moberg

Chief Executive Officer, Green Hydrogen Organisation


Sabine Dall’Omo

CEO, Siemens Sub-Saharan Africa, Siemens (Pty) Ltd

Dr. Hauke Engel

Partner, McKinsey & Company

Dr. Susana Moreira

Executive Director and Co-Chair, H2Global Foundation

Johan Byskov Svendsen

Head of Program - Catalyze Ecosystem Transition, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping

12:30 PM 01:30 PM

Networking Lunch


Wednesday 04 September 2024

12:30 PM - 01:30 PM

Networking Lunch

01:30 PM 02:10 PM

Namibia Spotlight Session

• Leapfrogging carbon-intensive industrialisation straight to a low-carbon industry

• Namibia’s Vision 2030: Key hydrogen and green energy project pipeline

• Socio-economic impacts and strategies for industrialisation

• Global and continental partnerships to implement the vision and low-carbon economies


James Mnyupe

Presidential Economic Advisor and Head of Programme

Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P)

Hon. Aletha Franklin

Regional Governor

Kharas Region

Theopolina Kapani

Head Technical and Construction

Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme

Jerome Namaseb

Chief Executive Officer

Daures Green Hydrogen Village

Johannes Michels

Managing Director, HyIron


Mutindi Lydia Jacobs

Chief Legal Officer, Directorate Law Reform

Ministry of Justice

Joseph Mukendwa

Head: Policy, Planning and Strategy

Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme


Wednesday 04 September 2024

01:30 PM - 02:10 PM

Namibia Spotlight Session

• Leapfrogging carbon-intensive industrialisation straight to a low-carbon industry

• Namibia’s Vision 2030: Key hydrogen and green energy project pipeline

• Socio-economic impacts and strategies for industrialisation

• Global and continental partnerships to implement the vision and low-carbon economies


James Mnyupe

Presidential Economic Advisor and Head of Programme, Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P)

Hon. Aletha Franklin

Regional Governor, Kharas Region

Theopolina Kapani

Head Technical and Construction, Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme

Jerome Namaseb

Chief Executive Officer , Daures Green Hydrogen Village

Johannes Michels

Managing Director, HyIron, HyIron

Mutindi Lydia Jacobs

Chief Legal Officer, Directorate Law Reform, Ministry of Justice

Joseph Mukendwa

Head: Policy, Planning and Strategy, Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme

02:10 PM 02:45 PM

Session 4

Stimulating Financing Panel And Green Investments In Africa’s Hydrogen And Green Energy Projects (Panel Discussion)

  • The pivotal role that finance plays in the development of hydrogen and clean energy projects

  • What are the latest innovative financial mechanisms to ensure access to credit?

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds: utilising hydrogen and new energy production revenues for the benefit of nations

  • Sovereign offtake support: global case studies

  • Government strategies and support to attract investment into the hydrogen industry

  • Bringing hydrogen cost production down: Building bankable green energy projects

  • Project financing commercially viable hydrogen projects in Africa and across the globe

  • Regulations, policies, fiscal and legal framework creating an enabling environment for financing and global investments in hydrogen

  • Infrastructure investments and financing: what needs to be in place for African projects to take off?

  • Special Economic Zones: tax incentives to attract talent, technology, innovation and investments to energy hubs

  • How can hydrogen projects in Africa attract financing and investment in a global market where lower risk rich nations that have both a lower cost of financing and the resources to financially subsidise the establishment of their industries?

Keynote Address:

Hon. Johannes !Gawaxab


Bank of Namibia


James Mnyupe

Presidential Economic Advisor and Head of Programme

Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P)


Nangula Nelulu Uaandja

Chief Executive Officer

Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB)

Benedict Libanda

Chief Executive Officer

Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF)

Marco Raffinetti

Chief Executive Officer

Hyphen Hydrogen Energy

Sebastiaan Surie

Head of Green Hydrogen

CFM | Nam-H2 Fund Managers

Andreas Cremer

Department Head Infrastructure & Energy Africa/ Latin America



Wednesday 04 September 2024

02:10 PM - 02:45 PM

Session 4

Stimulating Financing Panel And Green Investments In Africa’s Hydrogen And Green Energy Projects (Panel Discussion)

  • The pivotal role that finance plays in the development of hydrogen and clean energy projects

  • What are the latest innovative financial mechanisms to ensure access to credit?

  • Sovereign Wealth Funds: utilising hydrogen and new energy production revenues for the benefit of nations

  • Sovereign offtake support: global case studies

  • Government strategies and support to attract investment into the hydrogen industry

  • Bringing hydrogen cost production down: Building bankable green energy projects

  • Project financing commercially viable hydrogen projects in Africa and across the globe

  • Regulations, policies, fiscal and legal framework creating an enabling environment for financing and global investments in hydrogen

  • Infrastructure investments and financing: what needs to be in place for African projects to take off?

  • Special Economic Zones: tax incentives to attract talent, technology, innovation and investments to energy hubs

  • How can hydrogen projects in Africa attract financing and investment in a global market where lower risk rich nations that have both a lower cost of financing and the resources to financially subsidise the establishment of their industries?

Keynote Address:

Hon. Johannes !Gawaxab

Governor, Bank of Namibia


James Mnyupe

Presidential Economic Advisor and Head of Programme, Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P)


Nangula Nelulu Uaandja

Chief Executive Officer, Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB)

Benedict Libanda

Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF)

Marco Raffinetti

Chief Executive Officer, Hyphen Hydrogen Energy

Sebastiaan Surie

Head of Green Hydrogen, CFM | Nam-H2 Fund Managers

Andreas Cremer

Department Head Infrastructure & Energy Africa/ Latin America, KfW DEG

02:45 PM 03:15 PM

South Africa Spotlight Session

Brought To You By: Air Products

  • Hydrogen, renewables and power production and developments in South Africa

  • Partnerships between South Africa and Namibia: The Southern Energy Corridor integration and sharing common resources

  • The opportunity for South Africa to decarbonise and boost its industrialisation strategy

  • Boosting the electricity sector through hydrogen synergies

  • Enacting the Energy Action Plan (EPA): a transformational opportunity for the country


Hon. Samantha Graham-Maré (MP)

Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy

Republic of South Africa

Dan Marokane

Group Chief Executive

ESKOM South Africa

Nicolas Lecomte

Director Southern and East Africa, HDF Energy

HDF Energy

Hendrik Louw

Northern Cape Catalytic Project Advisor

Province of the Northern Cape, The Republic of South Africa


Wednesday 04 September 2024

02:45 PM - 03:15 PM

South Africa Spotlight Session

Brought To You By: Air Products

  • Hydrogen, renewables and power production and developments in South Africa

  • Partnerships between South Africa and Namibia: The Southern Energy Corridor integration and sharing common resources

  • The opportunity for South Africa to decarbonise and boost its industrialisation strategy

  • Boosting the electricity sector through hydrogen synergies

  • Enacting the Energy Action Plan (EPA): a transformational opportunity for the country


Hon. Samantha Graham-Maré (MP)

Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy, Republic of South Africa

Dan Marokane

Group Chief Executive, ESKOM South Africa

Nicolas Lecomte

Director Southern and East Africa, HDF Energy, HDF Energy

Hendrik Louw

Northern Cape Catalytic Project Advisor, Province of the Northern Cape, The Republic of South Africa

03:15 PM 03:45 PM

Networking Coffee Break


Wednesday 04 September 2024

03:15 PM - 03:45 PM

Networking Coffee Break

03:45 PM 04:30 PM

Session 5

Creating An Enabling Environment For Successful African Green Energy Projects: Policies, Regulations And ESG Considerations (Panel Discussion)

  • Designing and implementing sound policies and regulations to attract investments into the hydrogen sector

  • Hydrogen and renewable energy production legal and fiscal frameworks: Applicable lessons from other sectors

  • Industrial policy making and key support schemes to ensure the scalability of hydrogen projects

  • ESG considerations and environmental policies and regulations in the hydrogen value chain

  • Collaboration and partnerships between Government and private sector

Ministerial Session Opening Statement:

Hon. Yvonne Dassaub (MP)

Minister of Justice

Republic of Namibia


Richard Kiplagat

Chairman AHP Advocacy Taskforce African Hydrogen Partnership, Group Chief Commercial Officer & MD East Africa

Africa Practice


Kudakwashe (Kuda) Ndhlukula

Executive Director

SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE)

Nigel Beck

Head of Sustainable Finance & ESG Advisory


Mark Brownstein

Senior Vice President, Global Energy Transition

Environmental Defense Fund

John Ferraz



Nadège Hopman

Senior Investment Officer

European Investment Bank


Wednesday 04 September 2024

03:45 PM - 04:30 PM

Session 5

Creating An Enabling Environment For Successful African Green Energy Projects: Policies, Regulations And ESG Considerations (Panel Discussion)

  • Designing and implementing sound policies and regulations to attract investments into the hydrogen sector

  • Hydrogen and renewable energy production legal and fiscal frameworks: Applicable lessons from other sectors

  • Industrial policy making and key support schemes to ensure the scalability of hydrogen projects

  • ESG considerations and environmental policies and regulations in the hydrogen value chain

  • Collaboration and partnerships between Government and private sector

Ministerial Session Opening Statement:

Hon. Yvonne Dassaub (MP)

Minister of Justice, Republic of Namibia


Richard Kiplagat

Chairman AHP Advocacy Taskforce African Hydrogen Partnership, Group Chief Commercial Officer & MD East Africa, Africa Practice


Kudakwashe (Kuda) Ndhlukula

Executive Director, SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE)

Nigel Beck

Head of Sustainable Finance & ESG Advisory, RMB

Mark Brownstein

Senior Vice President, Global Energy Transition, Environmental Defense Fund

John Ferraz

Executive, ENS

Nadège Hopman

Senior Investment Officer, European Investment Bank

04:30 PM 05:30 PM

Session 6

Green Industrialisation & Decarbonisation: Harnessing Africa’s Hydrogen And Clean Energy Production Opportunity By Fostering Economic Growth (Panel Discussion)

  • What are the key drivers and fundamentals for Africa’s green industrialisation? What is the role of hydrogen and renewables?

  • What are the challenges faced by the industrial sectors with regards to converting facilities to utilise oil, gas, LNG, hydrogen, renewables as a fuel?

  • Hydrogen and mobility: Aviation, Trucks, Trains and other transportation

  • Fertilizers, methanol, plastics: How hydrogen will diversify the economy and create jobs

  • Connecting hydrogen projects through the Southern African Power Pool

  • Developing critical hydrogen infrastructure to accelerate Africa’s green industrialisation

  • Hydrogen as a critical tool to decarbonize hard to abate sectors: Mining, Steel, Cement etc

  • Industrial applications through green hydrogen solutions and other sectors such as fertilizers


Margaret Mutschler

Development Director, CWP Global Vice Chairperson

Green Hydrogen Association of Namibia (NamGHA)


Hon. Lucia Iipumbu

Minister of Industrialization and Trade

Republic of Namibia

Hon. Rainer Baake

German Special Envoy to Namibia

Federal Republic of Germany

James Mnyupe

Presidential Economic Advisor and Head of Programme

Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P)

Kahenge Simson Haulofu

Managing Director

Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower)

Laurent Coche

Chief Executive Officer

Chariot Green Hydrogen

Petra Schwager

Chief of the Climate and Technology Partnership Division

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Jens Wulff

Chief Executive Officer

Neuman&Esser Germany


Wednesday 04 September 2024

04:30 PM - 05:30 PM

Session 6

Green Industrialisation & Decarbonisation: Harnessing Africa’s Hydrogen And Clean Energy Production Opportunity By Fostering Economic Growth (Panel Discussion)

  • What are the key drivers and fundamentals for Africa’s green industrialisation? What is the role of hydrogen and renewables?

  • What are the challenges faced by the industrial sectors with regards to converting facilities to utilise oil, gas, LNG, hydrogen, renewables as a fuel?

  • Hydrogen and mobility: Aviation, Trucks, Trains and other transportation

  • Fertilizers, methanol, plastics: How hydrogen will diversify the economy and create jobs

  • Connecting hydrogen projects through the Southern African Power Pool

  • Developing critical hydrogen infrastructure to accelerate Africa’s green industrialisation

  • Hydrogen as a critical tool to decarbonize hard to abate sectors: Mining, Steel, Cement etc

  • Industrial applications through green hydrogen solutions and other sectors such as fertilizers


Margaret Mutschler

Development Director, CWP Global Vice Chairperson , Green Hydrogen Association of Namibia (NamGHA)


Hon. Lucia Iipumbu

Minister of Industrialization and Trade, Republic of Namibia

Hon. Rainer Baake

German Special Envoy to Namibia, Federal Republic of Germany

James Mnyupe

Presidential Economic Advisor and Head of Programme, Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme (NGH2P)

Kahenge Simson Haulofu

Managing Director, Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower)

Laurent Coche

Chief Executive Officer, Chariot Green Hydrogen

Petra Schwager

Chief of the Climate and Technology Partnership Division, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Jens Wulff

Chief Executive Officer, Neuman&Esser Germany

05:30 PM 06:00 PM

End of Summit Day 1


Wednesday 04 September 2024

05:30 PM - 06:00 PM

End of Summit Day 1

06:00 PM 07:00 PM

Pre-Gala Welcome Drinks Reception @ Windhoek Country Club

Sponsored By: Ninety One with remarks by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Honorable Iipumbu Shiimi

Brief Remarks:

Hon. Ipumbu Shiimi

Minister of Finance and Public Enterprise

Republic of Namibia


Wednesday 04 September 2024

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Pre-Gala Welcome Drinks Reception @ Windhoek Country Club

Sponsored By: Ninety One with remarks by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Honorable Iipumbu Shiimi

Brief Remarks:

Hon. Ipumbu Shiimi

Minister of Finance and Public Enterprise, Republic of Namibia

07:00 PM 09:00 PM

Gala Dinner @ Windhoek Country Club

Global African Hydrogen Awards (Part II)

  • Hydrogen Innovation Of The Year
  • Communities Engagement Of The Year
  • Local Content Champion Of The Year
  • African Green Hydrogen Project Of The Year
  • Woman In Hydrogen Of The Year
  • Future Leader Of The Year

Wednesday 04 September 2024

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Gala Dinner @ Windhoek Country Club

Global African Hydrogen Awards (Part II)

  • Hydrogen Innovation Of The Year
  • Communities Engagement Of The Year
  • Local Content Champion Of The Year
  • African Green Hydrogen Project Of The Year
  • Woman In Hydrogen Of The Year
  • Future Leader Of The Year

08:00 AM 09:00 AM

Welcome Coffee


Thursday 05 September 2024

08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

Welcome Coffee

09:00 AM 09:20 AM

Prime Minister Keynote Address

His Excellency Gervais Ndirakobuca

Prime Minister

Republic of Burundi


Thursday 05 September 2024

09:00 AM - 09:20 AM

Prime Minister Keynote Address

His Excellency Gervais Ndirakobuca

Prime Minister, Republic of Burundi

09:20 AM 10:10 AM

Session 7

Climate Technology: Innovations Increasing The Scalability And Uptake Of Clean Hydrogen Solutions

  • Latest developments and technological advancing the industry

  • Investments and innovation opportunities in Africa’s hydrogen projects

  • Digitalization in hydrogen and low carbon solutions

  • Ammonia: Maximing the hydrogen carrier opportunity

  • Catalysing R&D developments to boost hydrogen project implementation

  • Electrolysers: A critical technology for producing low-emission hydrogen

  • AI: what role can it play in hydrogen and renewable production, deployment and global value chains formation?

  • Renewable energy production boosting the energy transition: solar, wind, hydro

  • Considering cost externalities within CAPEX and OPEX projections


Hon. Emma Theofelus

Minister of Information and Communication Technology


Todd Cartwright

Chief Commercial Officer

Nel Hydrogen

Ulrich Stahl

Global Project Lead Hydrogen KSB


Prof. Dr. Anicia Peters

Chief Executive Officer

National Commission on Research, Science and Technology


Thursday 05 September 2024

09:20 AM - 10:10 AM

Session 7

Climate Technology: Innovations Increasing The Scalability And Uptake Of Clean Hydrogen Solutions

  • Latest developments and technological advancing the industry

  • Investments and innovation opportunities in Africa’s hydrogen projects

  • Digitalization in hydrogen and low carbon solutions

  • Ammonia: Maximing the hydrogen carrier opportunity

  • Catalysing R&D developments to boost hydrogen project implementation

  • Electrolysers: A critical technology for producing low-emission hydrogen

  • AI: what role can it play in hydrogen and renewable production, deployment and global value chains formation?

  • Renewable energy production boosting the energy transition: solar, wind, hydro

  • Considering cost externalities within CAPEX and OPEX projections


Hon. Emma Theofelus

Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Namibia

Todd Cartwright

Chief Commercial Officer, Nel Hydrogen

Ulrich Stahl

Global Project Lead Hydrogen KSB, KSB SE & Co. KGaA

Prof. Dr. Anicia Peters

Chief Executive Officer, National Commission on Research, Science and Technology

10:10 AM 10:40 AM

Water Management In Hydrogen Case Study (Panel Discussion)

  • Water as a critical feedstock in hydrogen production: Opportunities and challenges

  • Dessalinisation, innovation and technology in green hydrogen projects

  • Sustainable water management in water stressed geographies: Overcoming the challenges and implementing global best practices

  • Limitations on water availability caused by supply or water infrastructure: Innovative solutions from key projects around the world


Viaksha Mohabir

Technical Advisor Environment & Sustainability (Green Hydrogen South Africa)

GIZ South Africa, Lesotho & eSwatini


Kadiva Hamutumwa

Chief Strategic, Corporate Affairs and New Business Development Officer


Dr. Daniel Frank

Senior Advisor Water Management


Nienke Homan

Chief Executive Officer, Impact Hydrogen

Board Member, Green Hydrogen Organisation


Thursday 05 September 2024

10:10 AM - 10:40 AM

Water Management In Hydrogen Case Study (Panel Discussion)

  • Water as a critical feedstock in hydrogen production: Opportunities and challenges

  • Dessalinisation, innovation and technology in green hydrogen projects

  • Sustainable water management in water stressed geographies: Overcoming the challenges and implementing global best practices

  • Limitations on water availability caused by supply or water infrastructure: Innovative solutions from key projects around the world


Viaksha Mohabir

Technical Advisor Environment & Sustainability (Green Hydrogen South Africa), GIZ South Africa, Lesotho & eSwatini


Kadiva Hamutumwa

Chief Strategic, Corporate Affairs and New Business Development Officer, NamWater

Dr. Daniel Frank

Senior Advisor Water Management, DECHEMA e.V

Nienke Homan

Chief Executive Officer, Impact Hydrogen, Board Member, Green Hydrogen Organisation

10:40 AM 11:00 AM

Networking Coffee Break


Thursday 05 September 2024

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

Networking Coffee Break

11:00 AM 11:20 AM

Mauritania Spotlight Session

  • Positioning Mauritania as a global hydrogen hub: Government and private sector

  • Renewable energy project developments

  • Green hydrogen applications: Green Steel and Green Iron Ore

  • The global markets, applications and solutions for Mauritania’s hydrogen production


Rita Madeira

Africa Programme Manager, West and Southern Africa

International Energy Agency


Thursday 05 September 2024

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Mauritania Spotlight Session

  • Positioning Mauritania as a global hydrogen hub: Government and private sector

  • Renewable energy project developments

  • Green hydrogen applications: Green Steel and Green Iron Ore

  • The global markets, applications and solutions for Mauritania’s hydrogen production


Rita Madeira

Africa Programme Manager, West and Southern Africa, International Energy Agency

11:20 AM 11:40 AM

Morocco Spotlight Session

  • Key hydrogen projects in Morocco: a future exporter at the doorstep of a major offtaker (Europe)

  • The green ammonia plant with a future output of 1.4 million tonnes per annum

  • How hydrogen will allow Morocco to decarbonise, industrialise and create national added value to its economy

Anders Heine Jensen

Director PtX & Megaton Projects

GreenGo Energy A/S


Thursday 05 September 2024

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

Morocco Spotlight Session

  • Key hydrogen projects in Morocco: a future exporter at the doorstep of a major offtaker (Europe)

  • The green ammonia plant with a future output of 1.4 million tonnes per annum

  • How hydrogen will allow Morocco to decarbonise, industrialise and create national added value to its economy


Anders Heine Jensen

Director PtX & Megaton Projects, GreenGo Energy A/S

11:40 AM 12:40 PM

Session 8

Hydrogen Local Content: Creating Jobs, Knowledge And Business Opportunities For Socio Economic Growth (Panel Discussion)

  • How can Local Content add value to the economy and population?

  • What is being implemented on the ground at the moment? What tenders have been made and what is the current status?

  • What are international companies implementing to raise competition locally? How can the quality of local suppliers be increased?
  • Matching the needs of contractors to the current skills on offer

  • Building hydrogen’s future leaders and nurturing talent in hydrogen’s industry landscape

  • Knowledge and technology transfer: Capacity building for socio-economic growth and development

  • How can Namibia and South Africa collaborate to promote local content implementation best practices: lessons from wind and solar case studies

  • SMEs integration and opportunity creation in hydrogen value chain

  • Socio-economic growth and impact: the social license to operate hydrogen projects


Iyaloo Akuaake

Namibia Country Coordinator

Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) Africa


Her Excellency Monica Geingos

Former First Lady of Namibia & Executive Chairperson

One Economy Foundation

His Worship, Hon. Cllr. Phillippus Albertus Balhao

Mayor of Luderitz

Toni Beukes

Head of Environment, Social & Governance

Hyphen Hydrogen Energy

Chris Movirongo

Country Manager – Namibia


Christoph Kausch

Senior Operations Officer

International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Gerson Nasau

CoFounder/Director Business Development

Kaoko Green Energy Solutions(Pty) Ltd


Thursday 05 September 2024

11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

Session 8

Hydrogen Local Content: Creating Jobs, Knowledge And Business Opportunities For Socio Economic Growth (Panel Discussion)

  • How can Local Content add value to the economy and population?

  • What is being implemented on the ground at the moment? What tenders have been made and what is the current status?

  • What are international companies implementing to raise competition locally? How can the quality of local suppliers be increased?
  • Matching the needs of contractors to the current skills on offer

  • Building hydrogen’s future leaders and nurturing talent in hydrogen’s industry landscape

  • Knowledge and technology transfer: Capacity building for socio-economic growth and development

  • How can Namibia and South Africa collaborate to promote local content implementation best practices: lessons from wind and solar case studies

  • SMEs integration and opportunity creation in hydrogen value chain

  • Socio-economic growth and impact: the social license to operate hydrogen projects


Iyaloo Akuaake

Namibia Country Coordinator, Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) Africa


Her Excellency Monica Geingos

Former First Lady of Namibia & Executive Chairperson, One Economy Foundation

His Worship, Hon. Cllr. Phillippus Albertus Balhao

Mayor of Luderitz

Toni Beukes

Head of Environment, Social & Governance , Hyphen Hydrogen Energy

Chris Movirongo

Country Manager – Namibia, Fortescue

Christoph Kausch

Senior Operations Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Gerson Nasau

CoFounder/Director Business Development, Kaoko Green Energy Solutions(Pty) Ltd

12:40 PM 01:40 PM

Networking Lunch


Thursday 05 September 2024

12:40 PM - 01:40 PM

Networking Lunch

01:40 PM 02:00 PM

Egypt Spotlight Session

  • National Strategy for Green Hydrogen: Attracting investments and implementing the Government’s vision

  • Critical hydrogen projects and the potential for maritime industry: Suez Canal Hydrogen Hub

  • Bunkering, storage and creating jobs and businesses opportunities in country through hydrogen developments

  • Special Economic Zones: Egypt’s case study and applicable lessons to the continent


Hon. Dr. Mahmoud Esmat

Minister of Electricity & Renewable Energy


Petra Schwager

Chief of the Climate and Technology Partnership Division

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)


Thursday 05 September 2024

01:40 PM - 02:00 PM

Egypt Spotlight Session

  • National Strategy for Green Hydrogen: Attracting investments and implementing the Government’s vision

  • Critical hydrogen projects and the potential for maritime industry: Suez Canal Hydrogen Hub

  • Bunkering, storage and creating jobs and businesses opportunities in country through hydrogen developments

  • Special Economic Zones: Egypt’s case study and applicable lessons to the continent


Hon. Dr. Mahmoud Esmat

Minister of Electricity & Renewable Energy, Egypt

Petra Schwager

Chief of the Climate and Technology Partnership Division, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

02:00 PM 03:00 PM

Session 9

Integrating The Global Hydrogen Market: Supply Chain Linkages, Transportation, Trade And Storage (Panel Discussion)

  • Green ammonia development as an opportunity for Namibia and a catalyst for renewable energy investments

  • Blue hydrogen developments and projects in Africa: an opportunity for the continent
  • Hydrogen and mining: The synergies and opportunities between these strategic sectors

  • Power-to-X green hydrogen projects: Upscaling the current opportunities

  • Bunkering and storage solutions for hydrogen and clean tech

  • Creating a hydrogen global market, linking hydrogen global supply and demand

  • Scalability: scaling up African hydrogen projects to meet continental and global production ambitions

  • The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Opportunities and Challenges

  • NAMPORT as the gateway to transporting to an easier and much faster transit route between Southern Africa, Europe and the Americas

  • Hydrogen global standards: Harmonising global hydrogen standards

  • Energy storage and bunkering facilities hubs creation

  • Global and regional collaboration to decarbonise industrial sectors:

    • Mobility, freight, shipping, power, chemicals

Paddy Padmanathan

Co-Founder & Vice Chairman



Andrew Kanime

Chief Executive Officer

Namibian Ports Authority (NamPort)

Desmond van Jaarsveld

Chief Executive Officer


Roy Campe

Chief Technology Officer

CMB.TECH, Cleanergy Development Committee

Madadh MacLaine

Secretary General

Zero Emissions Ship Technology Associations (ZESTAS)

Tom Hautekiet

Chief Business Development & Transition Officer

Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Henrik Hololei

Hors Classe Adviser, Directorate-General for International Partnerships

European Commission


Thursday 05 September 2024

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Session 9

Integrating The Global Hydrogen Market: Supply Chain Linkages, Transportation, Trade And Storage (Panel Discussion)

  • Green ammonia development as an opportunity for Namibia and a catalyst for renewable energy investments

  • Blue hydrogen developments and projects in Africa: an opportunity for the continent
  • Hydrogen and mining: The synergies and opportunities between these strategic sectors

  • Power-to-X green hydrogen projects: Upscaling the current opportunities

  • Bunkering and storage solutions for hydrogen and clean tech

  • Creating a hydrogen global market, linking hydrogen global supply and demand

  • Scalability: scaling up African hydrogen projects to meet continental and global production ambitions

  • The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Opportunities and Challenges

  • NAMPORT as the gateway to transporting to an easier and much faster transit route between Southern Africa, Europe and the Americas

  • Hydrogen global standards: Harmonising global hydrogen standards

  • Energy storage and bunkering facilities hubs creation

  • Global and regional collaboration to decarbonise industrial sectors:

    • Mobility, freight, shipping, power, chemicals


Paddy Padmanathan

Co-Founder & Vice Chairman, zhero


Andrew Kanime

Chief Executive Officer, Namibian Ports Authority (NamPort)

Desmond van Jaarsveld

Chief Executive Officer, TransNamib

Roy Campe

Chief Technology Officer, CMB.TECH, Cleanergy Development Committee

Madadh MacLaine

Secretary General, Zero Emissions Ship Technology Associations (ZESTAS)

Tom Hautekiet

Chief Business Development & Transition Officer, Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Henrik Hololei

Hors Classe Adviser, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission

03:00 PM 03:30 PM

Networking Coffee Break


Thursday 05 September 2024

03:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Networking Coffee Break

03:30 PM 04:00 PM

Kenya Spotlight Session

  • Kenya’s strategies to develop a sound hydrogen policy: Opportunities and challenges

  • Industrial development and fertilizing projects in Kenya: Hydrogen for food security

  • Hydrogen feedback for clean power generation: The Port of Mombasa as Kenya’s hydrogen hub and gateway to the world

  • Special Economic Zones (SEZ): Plans, tax incentives and strategies charting Kenya’s path to becoming an exporter of green hydrogen within the next decade

  • Harnessing opportunities in geothermal and hydrogen


Joy Nzue

Technical Advisor

GIZ Kenya


Eng. Isaac Kiva

Secretary Renewable Energy

Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya

Eng. Kihara Mungai

Deputy Director

Renewable Energy, EPRA

Paul Wambugu

Investment Manager

Kenya Electricity Generating Company

Edna Mutevu


Ministry of Energy and Petroleum

Jackson Mutonga

Deputy Director, Energy and Climate Change



Thursday 05 September 2024

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Kenya Spotlight Session

  • Kenya’s strategies to develop a sound hydrogen policy: Opportunities and challenges

  • Industrial development and fertilizing projects in Kenya: Hydrogen for food security

  • Hydrogen feedback for clean power generation: The Port of Mombasa as Kenya’s hydrogen hub and gateway to the world

  • Special Economic Zones (SEZ): Plans, tax incentives and strategies charting Kenya’s path to becoming an exporter of green hydrogen within the next decade

  • Harnessing opportunities in geothermal and hydrogen


Joy Nzue

Technical Advisor, GIZ Kenya


Eng. Isaac Kiva

Secretary Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya

Eng. Kihara Mungai

Deputy Director, Renewable Energy, EPRA

Paul Wambugu

Investment Manager, Kenya Electricity Generating Company

Edna Mutevu

Engineer, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum

Jackson Mutonga

Deputy Director, Energy and Climate Change, GIZ

04:00 PM 05:00 PM

Session 10

Africa’s Hydrogen & Clean Energy Frontiers: The Industry's Next Major Opportunities (Ministerial Panel Discussion)

  • New African hydrogen and green energy frontiers: Outlining the next projects and opportunities

  • Hydrogen and renewables’ production: Key targets and practical objectives – transforming ambitions into actions

  • How can African Governments ensure an inclusive industry: successful case studies from the continent

  • White Hydrogen as a new energy frontier: challenges and opportunities

  • Successful case studies from across the continent applicable to next frontiers: Djibouti as a hydrogen gateway shipping green hydrogen to the globe

  • Major African economies moving ahead with hydrogen and renewable energy projects: Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique and Ethiopia

  • Pan African cooperation and collaboration: MoUs, Collaboration Agreements & Signings


Hon. Kornelia Shilunga

Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy

Republic of Namibia

Hon. Diamantino Pedro Azevedo

Minister of Mineral Resources

Petroleum and Gas Angola

Hon. Dr. Mahmoud Esmat

Minister of Electricity & Renewable Energy


Hon. Balarabe Abbas Lawal

Minister of Environment


Hon. Emile Ouosso

Minister of Energy and Water Resources

Republic of Congo

Hon. Herbert Krapa

Deputy Minister

Ministry of Energy, Ghana

Hon. Ibrahim Uwizeye

Minister of Hydraulics, Energy & Mines

Republic of Burundi


Thursday 05 September 2024

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Session 10

Africa’s Hydrogen & Clean Energy Frontiers: The Industry's Next Major Opportunities (Ministerial Panel Discussion)

  • New African hydrogen and green energy frontiers: Outlining the next projects and opportunities

  • Hydrogen and renewables’ production: Key targets and practical objectives – transforming ambitions into actions

  • How can African Governments ensure an inclusive industry: successful case studies from the continent

  • White Hydrogen as a new energy frontier: challenges and opportunities

  • Successful case studies from across the continent applicable to next frontiers: Djibouti as a hydrogen gateway shipping green hydrogen to the globe

  • Major African economies moving ahead with hydrogen and renewable energy projects: Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique and Ethiopia

  • Pan African cooperation and collaboration: MoUs, Collaboration Agreements & Signings


Hon. Kornelia Shilunga

Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy, Republic of Namibia

Hon. Diamantino Pedro Azevedo

Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas Angola

Hon. Dr. Mahmoud Esmat

Minister of Electricity & Renewable Energy, Egypt

Hon. Balarabe Abbas Lawal

Minister of Environment, Nigeria

Hon. Emile Ouosso

Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Republic of Congo

Hon. Herbert Krapa

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy, Ghana

Hon. Ibrahim Uwizeye

Minister of Hydraulics, Energy & Mines, Republic of Burundi

05:00 PM 05:30 PM

Concluding Ceremony

Deal Announcements/ MoUs / Launches / Announcements / Signings / Agreements / Partnerships / Statements

  • Deals / MoUs / Launches / Announcements / Signings / Agreements / Partnerships / Statements

    • NGH2P: Hon. Obeth Kandjoze, Chairman, Green Hydrogen Council & Director
      General, National Planning Commission, Namibia
    • Zhero

    • NIPDB

    • CFM

    • Enabel
  • 2024 Project Investment Roundtables Summary


Thursday 05 September 2024

05:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Concluding Ceremony

Deal Announcements/ MoUs / Launches / Announcements / Signings / Agreements / Partnerships / Statements

  • Deals / MoUs / Launches / Announcements / Signings / Agreements / Partnerships / Statements

    • NGH2P: Hon. Obeth Kandjoze, Chairman, Green Hydrogen Council & Director
      General, National Planning Commission, Namibia
    • Zhero

    • NIPDB

    • CFM

    • Enabel
  • 2024 Project Investment Roundtables Summary

05:30 PM 08:00 PM

Summit End of Global African Hydrogen Summit

Summit Closing Reception

Belgium Pavilion, International Exhibition, Safari Conference Centre
Sponsored by: Stella Artois


Thursday 05 September 2024

05:30 PM - 08:00 PM

Summit End of Global African Hydrogen Summit

Summit Closing Reception

Belgium Pavilion, International Exhibition, Safari Conference Centre
Sponsored by: Stella Artois

  • 03 September 2024 PRE- SUMMIT MASTERCLASS
  • 04 September 2024 SUMMIT DAY 1
  • 05 September 2024 SUMMIT DAY 2